Online forums exist for every imaginable interest. From entertainment options, like fantasy, sci-fi, or romance, to self-help to personal finance, like stock or real estate investing. In the earliest days of the internet, these took the form of Usenet newsgroups and in modern times they take the form of subreddits, forums attached to a blog, […]
Self Publishing
Marketing With BookCrossing
A while back, the paperback version of my urban fantasy novella “Merchant Magician” went on sale for cheaper than what it cost me to buy author copies. I grabbed 30 copies for $3.79 per copy. I didn’t know what I’d do with them when I ordered them, but I figured there’d be something I could […]
Wacky Writing Idea #16: Monster Orphanage
For this, and any other Wacky Writing Ideas, I happily release them into the wild for anyone to use. If you like the idea and want to write it up, do so with my blessing! If you want to change it or use it for something else, have at it! If you really want to do […]
Wacky Writing Idea #15: Everyone In The World Started Having Visions Of The Same Person
For this, and any other Wacky Writing Ideas, I happily release them into the wild for anyone to use. If you like the idea and want to write it up, do so with my blessing! If you want to change it or use it for something else, have at it! If you really want to do […]
Recorded My First Audiobook
This week (on Monday, November 14th) I launched the audiobook version of my non-fiction book “Negotiating After Getting A Job Offer“. I’m not much of an audiobook “reader” myself. Almost all my reading is done electronically on an iPad, with a tiny amount of print reading on the side. I keep encountering the fact that […]
Is There A Benefit To Having A Blog?
Some time back (early in 2022), there was a Reddit post asking about the benefit of having a blog as a self-published author. I posted a comment giving my view on this, but felt this was something worth expanding to a blog post. I was a personal finance blogger before I started writing novels and […]
The Complete Tightwad’s Approach To Shoestring Publishing
I’m a big believer in keeping costs low when you’re getting started writing, but the VAST majority of writers advise: “spend money on this, spend money on that. It takes money to make money!” Everyone gets to decide how to write and publish for themselves. I’m firmly of the opinion that there are *MANY* reasons […]
Writing Contests
Soon after someone starts writing, they’ll come across “writing contests”. If the writer doesn’t discover these themselves, well-meaning friends and family will start sending them links. The contests themselves are offered by a broad array of organizations. Some you’ll have heard of, others you won’t. They prominently advertise the prize, usually a small sum of […]
Wacky Writing Idea #14: Satanic Dungeons and Dragons
For this, and any other Wacky Writing Ideas, I happily release them into the wild for anyone to use. If you like the idea and want to write it up, do so with my blessing! If you want to change it or use it for something else, have at it! If you really want to do […]
Wacky Writing Idea #13: High Fantasy Mechas
For this, and any other Wacky Writing Ideas, I happily release them into the wild for anyone to use. If you like the idea and want to write it up, do so with my blessing! If you want to change it or use it for something else, have at it! If you really want to do […]