For this, and any other Wacky Writing Ideas, I happily release them into the wild for anyone to use. If you like the idea and want to write it up, do so with my blessing! If you want to change it or use it for something else, have at it! If you really want to do […]
Wacky Writing Idea #11: Episode for Star Trek: Lower Decks
For this, and any other Wacky Writing Ideas, I happily release them into the wild for anyone to use. If you like the idea and want to write it up, do so with my blessing! If you want to change it or use it for something else, have at it! If you really want to do […]
Everyone Wants A Writing Coach, But Most Are Critics Or Cheerleaders
I loved the above tweet that Adam Grant recently posted. As stated, it’s a general concept, but I see exactly what he describes regularly playing out for beginner writers. Newbie writers are constantly on Reddit and other online forums asking if they’re any good, how they can improve, whether they should keep writing, and if […]
Using Reader Magnets To Build Your Mailing List
I’ve written before about mailing lists, which are simply group emails writers send out to their readers periodically. The idea behind them is that it cultivates a community around you as a writer, hopefully helping you find beta readers, distribute ARCs (advanced review copies), and sell books. One of the most popular techniques for building […]
Dealing With People Pirating Your Book
Shortly after authors achieve their first successful publication, they have the unsettling realization that people are pirating it: passing digital copies around for free. Usually, their reaction is, understandably, indignation. “After all the blood, sweat, and tears I put into this, people are cheating me out of $2.99?!?” Next, they head to a writers’ forum […]
Wacky Writing Idea #10: Debauchery Before Suicide
For this, and any other Wacky Writing Ideas, I happily release them into the wild for anyone to use. If you like the idea and want to write it up, do so with my blessing! If you want to change it or use it for something else, have at it! If you really want to do […]
Wacky Writing Idea #9: Portal Fantasy With A Middle-Aged Woman
For this, and any other Wacky Writing Ideas, I happily release them into the wild for anyone to use. If you like the idea and want to write it up, do so with my blessing! If you want to change it or use it for something else, have at it! If you really want to do […]
NaNoWriMo 2021
Today marks the start of “National Novel Writing Month”, a fun idea that’s been happening annually since 1999. The basic idea is that over the month of November, you write a 50,000-word novel. It’s supposed to be a brand new work, not a continuation of anything you were writing before. “Winning” NaNoWriMo is something every […]
Making Small Bets While Building A Writing Career
Because it’s my personality type and how I approach new subjects, I’ve read a number of books, tons of blog posts, and numerous discussion forums with advice about becoming a writer. I knew that I was more interested in self-publishing, so that made it easy to skip over anything that was focused on finding an […]
Wacky Writing Idea #8: An Alternative Biology Novel
For this, and any other Wacky Writing Ideas, I happily release them into the wild for anyone to use. If you like the idea and want to write it up, do so with my blessing! If you want to change it or use it for something else, have at it! If you really want to do […]